The Taylor Kennedy Foundation has the following programs.

Service Programs

Community and Neighborhooo Development Programs

STEM Programs

STEAM Programs

Youth Programs

Leadership Programs

Mentoring Programs

Business Programs

Development Programs

Boy Scout of America Sponsor (Pack, Troop and Crew)

Jobs Programs

Economic Development Programs

Education Programs

Training Programs

Community Awards and Recognition

Civic and Service Awards and Recognition

Community Recognition



  • S  = Science
  • E  = Engineering
  • I   = Investing
  • M = Medicine
  • E  = Entrepreneurship
  • B  = Business Ownership
  • Boy Scouts of America

  • National Jamboree

  • Wood Badge

  • National Youth Leadership

  • American Legion

  • Boys State

  • Girls State


  • Science Programs

  • Jobs Programs
  • Engineering Programs

  • Investing Programs

  • Medicine Programs

  • Entrepreneurship Programs

  • Business Programs

  • Music and Art Programs
  • Youth Leadership Programs

  • Mentoring Prgram

  • College Bound Programs

  • College Programs
  • Minority Programs
  • Women Programs

  • Veteran Programs



  • Charity Benefit Concerts
  • Talent Showcases
  • Contests
  • Essays
  • Conferences
  • Networking
  • Luncheons
  • Business Luncheons
  • Seminars and Workshops
  • Networking Hour

                   Making Leaders!


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